Volunteer Time as an ambassador
Want to go in with us? We’d love to take you! We go into Hutchins State Jail every Wednesday night and we’d love for you to join us to see what it’s all about! All we need is two weeks notice in order to submit your drivers license for approval. Can’t go on a Wednesday? No problem! You let us know a few times that work for you and we’ll make it happen!
Attend An Event
Many churches and other groups minister to inmates in prison; however, organized discipleship and aftercare programs are rare. This is where ROD’s aftercare program and partnership with many local organizations like Adult Rehabilitation Ministry, HIS Bridge-builders, Soul Church, House of Prayer Word Outreach, etc. come in. We believe in working with other local programs to not re-invent the wheel, but partner in ways that truly help our communities.
As a non-profit, we rely on the faithful donations of those called to give. We take the stewardship of time, materials, and finances very seriously and we teach the ROD men the importance of stewardship as well.
Signup to get involved
There are lots of ways to get involved at Restoration Outreach of Dallas. Contact us to volunteer, donate or get involved.